Product Design Portfolio

Product Design Portfolio

Branding, Graphic Design
Lavor Laundry Rooms

Lavor Laundry Rooms

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About project

Lavor laundry is a company providing a branch network of self-service laundry rooms in the Czech Republic. However, after years of providing this service, branches and the brand itself needed a new look/redesign for meeting newly emerged business goals. Because of this, the company needed a logo for its new registered trademark Lavor and other printed materials for the interior and exterior for their new branch look.
Lavor design


Operating different machines that laundry room offers could be for some customers confusing, therefore it was important to provide the exact information that customer needs. Because of that, it was necessary to focus on the perfect readability of different prepared materials at a glance.
Lavor designLavor designLavor designLavor design


I created the materials that are easily understandable and readable from longer distances and perfectly match the architect’s design of the branches. One of the branches was even among finalists at Art of Space Award 2020 organized by company CBRE in the Retail Space Design category.
Lavor design
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